Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Barriers to fitness

Most of you who know me well know that i've been thinking about fitness a whole lot lately.  Mostly because it has become a way of life.  And it has become a way of life because I have finally found something that works for me.  No matter how my day has gone or what my schedule is, I can usually fit it in.  Usually.  I say usually because it doesn't always happen but I have come a long way from the old days of saying "i'm too tired" or "it's too late" or "I don't have time".  Those things just don't apply anymore.  I got the number on the scale to move and I don't want it to move back.  And more importantly, I FEEL better.  Physically and mentally.  You can't beat that.

So, what are your barriers to fitness?  I know I used to have a ton. 
  • Are you a working professional who works tons of hours per week and just can't find the time?
  • A stay at home mom who can barely find 5 minutes to go to the bathroom?
  • A student who is constantly running from class to class and study groups and doing homework?
  • A working mom who's job doesn't end when she gets home from her 9-5 job?
The list goes on and on.  We're all busy!  I've fit into all of these categories.  And had excuses not to exercise because of them.  It's hard to make it to the gym.  I know.  Let's go through a typical day of a working mom who might want to hit the gym after work.  Someone like me who doesn't have the luxury of a babysitter.  And dad wants to hit the gym too.  Oh and add my hour commute time in as well.  I get off work at 4:30, get the kids at 5:30, home about 5:45 from daycare.  Kids are hungry!  Feed them something quick.  If things are running smoothly it's probably about 6:15 at this point.  Now I need to pack a gym bag and get everyone ready to go.  Probably get out the door at 6:30.  Depending on where the gym is get there around 6:45.  Work out for an hour, putting the kids in the gym daycare.  Let's call it 8:00 when we're done.  Drive home and now mom and dad need to eat dinner.  See where i'm going.  I'm exhausted just typing it all out.  How and the heck do you do it?  No wonder I never worked out. 

And then there's the whole going to the gym thing.  You spend 30 minutes on a cardio machine.  30 minutes.  Staring blankly at a muted television listening to your iPod.  Boring!  And then it's off to wander around the weight machines wondering what on earth you're supposed to do on THAT machine?  It just wasn't working.  I even worked out with a personal trainer for over a year.  And lost 5 pounds.  I just wasn't into it. 

So let's explore the flip side of this.  Working out at home.  Ever tried it?  In my being a parent and going to the gym scenario above your whole evening is basically taken up with going to the gym.  If you want to work out 5 days per week, say 2 days on the weekend and 3 days during the week that's just a lot of hassle in my book.  So instead of leaving the house at 6:30 and getting home after 8:00 and then needing to make dinner and get the kids to bed I'll just get the kids to bed at 8:30, head to my room, put on my workout shoes, pop in a DVD and voila... i'm working out.  40 minutes and i'm done.  I walk to my living room and that's it.  It has made all the difference in the world and has taken all the excuses away.  I now have time.  I now have more energy.  It's not too late.  I've lost 25 pounds in less than 6 months. 

And you don't have to do Turbo Jam.  Beachbody has lots of different products for different people.  Ask me!  I can help YOU!

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